4th place in the Special Section, although I would have ranked it 2nd. A very well done pirate theme. The falla title is "Hic Sunt Dracones", which is Latin for "Here be dragons."
1st place in the Special Section, and also my personal favorite. It combines Las Fallas with the main theme of Carnevale di Venezia, which are my two favorite times of the year.
The concept art for this falla had an even taller woman behind the one pictured here, and then additional vertical build-up that would have more than doubled the height. But when the festival was canceled due to COVID-19, this falla had been mostly assembled and could not be safely disassembled. So most of it was burned in 2020, and this is all that was able to be saved.
2nd place in the Special Section.
3rd place in the Special Section, and included what I assume was a last minute addition of two ducks figuring out a cure for COVID.
7th place in the Special Section, but gets bonus points for being across the road from my favorite mixed drinks stall in the city. They had restricted access due to COVID, so you could not walk up close around the base like usual.
5th place in the Special Section. The theme translates to "Don't Tell Anyone".
8th place in the Special Section.
6th place in the Special Section.